The @Autowired follows the following order to match your bean candidates

1-Match exactly by type
2-If more than one candidate by type match by `@Primary`
3-If there is no `@Bean` marked with @Primary then check for @Qualifier
4-If no bean marked with @Qualifier check if the bean name match

One example of name matching is for example, imagine that you have 3 beans of the same type

public class BeansConfiguration{
    public Bean1 bean1Red(){
        return new Bean1("red");
    public Bean1 bean2Blue(){
        return new Bean1("blue");

   public Bean1 bean3Green(){
        return new Bean1("green");


Since you don’t have any qualifier how to you tell spring which one should be injected?

You can do that with the name of the property for example

public class BeanToInject{ 

    public Bean1 bean1Red;

In the example above the bean red will be injected.