Understanding @Bean annotation
The @Bean
annotation is used to configura beans that normally not spring beans by default (classes already annotated with @Component,
@Repository etc
Take the example below and lets comment each bean creation;
public class ApplicationConfig {
// This is an example of property name injection, we have more than one bean of the same type but based on the name of the property spring knows
// which one to inject.
private SpringBean3 springBean3C;
//This is a normal bean declaration but you can see that we are injecting 2 beans in the method and also defining the initMethod attribute, which will basically
// Tell spring which method to call
@Bean(initMethod = "init")
public SpringBean1 springBean1(SpringBean2 springBean2, SpringBean3 springBean3rd) {
return new SpringBean1(springBean2, springBean3rd);
//Same as above but now declaring the destroy method that will be called;
@Bean(destroyMethod = "destroy")
public SpringBean2 springBean2() {
return new SpringBean2();
//Here we are creting the bean and naming it as springBean3rd instead of using the default name which would be springBean3rd.
// If we try to inject with the name springBean3A it won't work because you are overriding the default by springBean3rd
@Bean(name = "springBean3rd")
public SpringBean3 springBean3A(MessageDigest messageDigest) {
return new SpringBean3A(messageDigest);
//Here we are giving more than one name fo one bean (aliases), we can inject them using any of it
@Bean(name = {"springBean4th", "springBeanNo4", "springBeanNoFour"})
public SpringBean3 springBean3B() {
return new SpringBean3B();
//Here it is a default declaration with the default name of the bean which will be springBean3c
public SpringBean3 springBean3C() {
return new SpringBean3C();
//Creating a bean from a tpp library.
public MessageDigest messageDigest() {
return DigestUtils.getSha384Digest();