These are highlights from a Java 8 developer with years of experience trying to highlight only the important details that we easily miss throughout the time. You might think that sometimes is silly to highlight some things but even those things might help you to remember the entire context.

  • A module is a group of one or more packages plus a special file called
  • The advantages of modules are:
    • Better access control: You can have packages that are only accessible to other packages in the module
    • Clearer dependency management: Java complain about missing jar when starting up the program rather then runtime access
    • Custom java builds: You can create thin runtimes
    • Improved security: You dont have to worry about vulnerabilities in a part you dont use
    • Improved performance: Improvement in startup time and lower memory requirements.
    • Unique package enforcement: Since modules specify exposed packages, jave can ensure that each package comes from only one module and avoid confusion
  • Things to remember about the module file
    • The file must be in the root directory of your module.
    • module declaration must be in the root directory of your module
    • module name follows the naming rules for packaging names.
  • Example of command to compile a module
    • –module-path or -p indicates the location of any custom module files
    • -d is the location of of the .class files
    • don`t forget you have to compile the
javac --module-path mods -d animals animals/*.java animals/com/animals/small/


javac --p mods -d animals animals/*.java animals/com/animals/small/ 
  • Example of how to run a module
    • –module-path or -p indicates the location of any custom module files
    • –module or -m is the module/class to execute
    • the class should be executed with /

java --module-path animals --module com.animals/com.animals.small.Pinguin


java -p animals -m com.animals/com.animals.small.Pinguin

  • packaging a module is done using the regular jar command like
jar -cvf mods/com.animals.jar -C animals/ .
  • to run the file you need to do exactly the same as above but pointing to the mods folder

java -p mods -m com.animals/com.animals.small.Pinguin
  • The exports keyword inside the is used to define which packages of your module will be exported in the example below we are exporting the com.animals.small package

module com.animals {

        exports com.animals.small;

  • On the other side you can use the requires keyword to define which module your module requires as dependencies
module com.zoo {
        requires com.animals;
  • You can also export your package to another specific module like, this way only that module will be able to access it like in the example below:

module com.animals {

  exports com.animals.small to com.zoo;

  • requires transitive means that every project that requires from your module will also required from the other module.
module com.zoo {
        requires transitive com.animals;
  • Java does not allow you to repeat the same module in a requires clause, so the code below would not compile

module com.zoo {
        requires transitive com.animals;
        requires com.animals;
  • open keyword is used to open your package to reflection;
module com.zoo {
    opens com.animals;

  • or you could also do something like below to open for a specific module:

module com.zoo {
    opens com.animals to com.zoo;

  • The uses and provides are used to declare your services and will be necessary for the ServiceLoader to load de implementation of your service , take the example below:

  • service-interfaces module (this module contains only the interfaces) ```java

module com.service.interfaces { exports com.service.interfaces; }

* service-implementation module ( this module will contain the implementation of the services)

module com.service.implementation {
    requires com.service.interfaces;
    provides com.service.interfaces.MyService with com.service.implementation.MyServiceImpl;

  • my-application module (this is where the application will be using it)
module {
  requires com.service.interfaces;
  uses com.service.interfaces.MyService;

  • With all this setup you should be able to use the service Loader like in the example below

public class App {

                public static void main(String[] args){
                        ServiceLoader<MyService> loader = ServiceLoader.load(MyService.class);
                        for(MyService ms : loader) {


  • every module already requires java.base so even if you add it there won`t be any differences.
  • to describe a module you can use the following command

java -p mods -d my.module

#or this way

java -p mods --describe-module my.module

  • a jar command can also describe a module

jar -f mods/my.module.jar -d


jar -f mods/my-module.jar --describe module

  • or if you want to list all the modules

java -p mods --list-modules

  • you can use jdeps for describing the module dependency. like the example below

jdeps --module-path mods -s mods/

  • jmod commands must be used only when you have native libraries or something like that

  • Jlink is used to create a smaller runtime which will provide a faster and minor JRE, you can execute the command like below

jlink --module-path mods --add-modules com.myapp --outup myApp

  • Different types of modules
    • Named module contains a file with the file descriptor
    • Automatic module appears on the module path but does not contain a
      • automatic module will generate the module name automatically. Suppose we have a jar file named my-app-1.0.0.jar. First java will remove the extension .jar from the name. Then java will remove the versions from the end of the JAR filename.
    • Unnamed module appears on the classpath . Like an automatic module it is a regular JAR but unlike an automatic module it is on the classpath rather than the module path.
      • An unnamed module does not usually contain a If it happens to contain one that file will be ignored since it is on the classpath.