[1z0-829] 5-Methods
These are highlights from a Java 8 developer with years of experience trying to highlight only the important details that we easily miss throughout the time. You might think that sometimes is silly to highlight some things but even those things might help you to remember the entire context. —
- Two of the parts the method name and parameter list are called method signature.#
- This is quite obvious but you can`t declare a method (or class) both final and abstract
- remember that access modifiers and opional specifiers can be listed in any other but once the return type is specified the rest must follow the order: name, parameter list, exception
public class Excercise {
public void method1() {}
public final void method2(){};
public static final void method3(){};
public final static void method4(){};
public void final method5(){}// Does not compile
final public void method6(){}
- Remember that in a void method you can use return to break the process
public void myMethod() {return;}
- Althought you shoouldn`t do it the method below is DOES compile
public void Jog_$(){}
- Empty void methods also compile
public void fly1() {}
- There is only one modifier that can be applied to a local variable: final.
- If a method contains a varargs parameter, it must be the last parameter in the list.
- If you have a method that receives a varargs, you can call it passing an array or a list of values directly like below
int[] myData = new int[]{1, 2, 3};
// Both ways are valid
//Or you can also omit the varargs in the method call and java will create an array of length zero
// You can also explicitly pass null in the method and java will not create an empty array
- Remember that protected also gives us acces to everything that package access does.
- protected method can only be accessed through inheritance not instance
class Animal {
protected void runFast(){
//Logic to run
class Dog extends Animal {
String barkAndRun(){
runFast();// This can be accesed
void myWrontMethod(){
Animal an = new Animal();
an.runFast();// This does not compile
- Remember that you can acess a static variable using an instance of the class
- Main class can be called as a normal method
- The compiler will complain if you try to explicitly do a static import of two static methods or variables with the same name.
import static myp.A.TYPE;
import static myp.B.TYPE;
- Java is a “pass-by-value” language. This means that a copy of the variable is made and the method receives that copy.
public static void main(String[]args){
int myvar = 1;
System.out.println(myvar)// This will print one
public static void changeVariable(int myvar){
myvar= 3;
- Java do autoboxing/unboxing and casting automatically
int mynumber = 2;
Integer mynumberw = mynumber; //Autoboxing
int mynumberp = mynumberw; //Unboxing
- Java will automatically cast or autobox the int value to long or Integer. neither of thse can be assigned to a long variable so:
//This does not compile
Integer e = 9;
Long myv = e;
// but this compiles
Integer e = 9;
long myv = e;
- Return type, access modified and excetion list are irrelevant to overloading.
- Remember that for method overloading java will always select the most specific.
public class MyMethod {
public void mm(int numMiles) {
public void mm(short numMiles) {
// calling mm((short)1) will execute short
- Remember that the methods overload below are valid
public class MyMethod {
public void mm(int numMiles) {
public void mm(Integer numMiles) {
- On the other hand with arrays you don`t have this same flexibility
public static void myMethod(int[] ints){} //Does not compile
public static void myMethod(Integer[] ints){} //Does not compile
- Varargs and array ar considered the same for method overload
public static void myMethod(int[] ints){} //Does not compile
public static void myMethod(Integer[] ints){} //Does not compile